東海道五十三次 藤澤・平塚・大磯/団扇絵/歌舞伎絵 Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido – Fujisawa, Hiratsuka, Oiso/Painted Fans/Kabuki Pictures
8月13日~16日 摺り師 伊藤木版画工房主宰 伊藤 達也氏による実演をしております。
Demonstration printed by Mr.Ito is performed. And his workshop is held.
Tatsuya Ito, the printer ~ He contributes for reproduction of Ukiyoe. He also produces the workshop in foreign countries.
The special exhibition showcases painted fans, that were used as props or for advertising, and were all the rage during the Edo Period. These painted fans brought “ryo” (cool) and depicted various summer themes by Hiroshige, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, and others.
夕寿々美 国芳
In addition, in what has become the annual “Shinshu Matsumoto Okabuki”, this year’s performance, “Sannin Kichisa” is centered on ukiyo-e. Sharaku’s realistic woodblock prints of actors and everyday life will be shown. The performance focuses on the appeal of the brilliance and excitement of kabuki pictures.
お嬢吉三 お坊吉三 和尚吉三 豊国