常設展「五つの版元による東海道五十三次 神奈川・保土ヶ谷・戸塚」
Permanent Exhibition “Five editions of The 53 stages of the Tokaido-Knagawa,Hodogaya, and Totuka ”
In the Permanent Exhibition, you can see prints from “The 53 Stages of Tokaido” by Hiroshige. This time, you can see the prints of Kanagawa, Hodogaya and Totsuka, published by Hoeido, Ezakiya, Marusei, Sanoki and Tsutaya. We are also displaying prints by Hokusai, Eisen.
広重 東海道五十三次 神奈川 保栄堂版 広重 東海道五十三次 神奈川 丸清版
広重 東海道五十三次 保土ヶ谷 保栄堂版 広重 東海道五十三次 戸塚 保栄堂版
特別展 浮世絵の中の工芸/信州の名産・名勝、世界文化遺産としての「富士山」「和食」
Crafts, Products, and Scenic Views of Shinshu Mt. Fuji and Japanese Food – The World Cultural Heritage
In the Special Exhibition, in collaboration with “Matsumoto Crafts Month” in May, you can see prints of the crafts, products, and scenic views of Shinshu. We will also be displaying prints of Mt. Fuji, Japanese food, and flowers from “The 100 Views of Edo”.
How about dropping by during the warm months to see some “crafts”? Ukiyo-e is also made by craftsmen: engravers and printers.
周延 二十四孝見立画合 機織り 広重 60余州名所図会 更科田毎の月 広重 江戸名所百景 亀戸天神藤
北斎 諸国瀧巡り 阿弥陀の瀧 國芳 木曽街道69次 守山/達磨大師 吉田博 日本アルプス 剣山の朝