ホーム企画展 浮世絵にみる花鳥風月



企画展示 「浮世絵にみる花鳥風月」

渓斎英泉「今様花鳥風月」 大判錦絵3枚続 天保期(1830-44)



本展覧会では風景画、美人画を中心に浮世絵にみる花鳥風月をご紹介いたします。 山水画や花鳥画に描かれてきた花鳥風月は、浮世絵においては風景画、そして美人画からも多く見出すことができ、これらの作品からは、移り行く季節を愛おしみ、楽しむ様子がうかがえます。四季の変化を敏感に感じとり、美しさを見出してきた人々の自然観に思いを巡らせてみます。

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歌川広重「名所江戸百景 亀戸天神境内」

大判錦絵 安政3年(1856)





Beauties of nature in Ukiyo-e


Sunday, April, 1, – Sunday, June, 24, 2018



The Japanese phrase “Kachōfūgetsu (literally flowers, birds, the wind and the moon)” means beauties of nature or elegant pleasures such as appreciating and composing poems about it, which has been one of the major themes of art since the old days.

The exhibition features beauties of nature depicted in Ukiyo-e especially in landscape pictures and portraits of beautiful women. Beauties of nature, a theme in traditional paintings of landscapes or flowers and birds, is also frequented in Ukiyo-e of landscapes or beautiful women. The landscapes and seasonal events depicted in these Ukiyo-e tell how people cherished and enjoyed the changing of the seasons. We hope you will feel and turn your thoughts to the people’s view of nature in the Edo period, such as sensitivity towards the changing of the four seasons and finding charm in it.

