ホーム企画展 北斎-森羅万象を描いた絵師- HOKUSAI-The painter who drew all things in nature-


北斎-森羅万象を描いた絵師- HOKUSAI-The painter who drew all things in nature-



当時にしては珍しく90歳もの長命を保ち、大往生を遂げる時の言葉は 「天が後10年、せめて5年の命を下されたなら、私は真正の画工となれるであろう」 だったといわれ、さらなる高みを目指した姿が窺えます。まさに、描くことに人生を賭けた奇才、北斎の画業をたどります。

※期間限定展示について 百物語(全5点)は8月のみの展示となります。富嶽三十六景は1か月ごとに展示替えを行います。富嶽三十六景の内「山下白雨(黒富士)」は7月「神奈川沖浪裏(大浪)」は8月「凱風快晴(赤富士)」は9月の限定展示です。

This time, we present Katsushika Hokusai, drawing all things in nature.  He published over 30,000 works in his lifetime, and has influenced renowned artists around the world.

During his career, Hokusai changed his names about 30 times and reportedly moved house 93 times.

Also, he really came into his own as a painter more and more after reaching the age of 70.  It seems that at the age of 80 he lamented his poor ability to his pupils.

At the time it was rare to live to the age of 90, and dying a peaceful death, it is said that his last words were, “If only Heaven will give me just another ten years… Just another five more years, then I could become a real painter.”  This implies that he was yet aiming for further heights.

He was simply a genius that gave his life to art.  We will follow Hokusai’s artwork in this exhibit.




